Saturday, July 23, 2011

Best Friends Forever

My Impressions

So far, I have read the first eighty pages of this four-hundred page book and I am completely unimpressed. The murder-mystery has hardly begun, and its not even a mystery. It turns out that one friend hit someone they don't like with their car on accident and fled the crime scene. However, the person they hit is not dead and there is hardly a mystery to it. There may be a twist or turn later in the book to make it more mysterious but as for now its honestly very lame. The author has gone on and on about one of the characters childhood life. This book focuses on describing every detail of scenery (something I hate in books). I hate when authors take too much time describing scenery because it is uninteresting to me. I would rather them continue on with the plot with just a hint of sensory detail. The author does do a good job telling the reader about the friendship. She makes the dynamics of the friendship clear by showing through stories who the dominant friend is. The childhood stories are rather boring because they take place in a rural area where there is not much excitement. In fact the author spends a lot of time talking about how the mother is fat, and the father makes puppets. These details in my mind are useless to the point of the story (maybe that is why the book is so long!). I have considered switching books, however I think it would be good for me if I read a book I didn't like because I will have to read many books I don't like in college. Hopefully this book will get better.

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