Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Hunger Games

Final Interview:

The day I finished reading this book I read 72 pages. I think that breaks a record of the most I have ever read in one day. I literally couldn't stop. My uncle was right, this book is such a page turner. I was constantly dying to know what would happen next. I even had dreams about the book which were kind of wierd. Anyways, a few days after I finished it, I called up my uncle for the final interview. I told him that I completely agreed with him about how it is actually a fun read. Even more fun than watching T.V. (which is kind of a big deal for us to agree on). We discussed some of the similarities between Panem and the USA. However, we also came to the conclusion that the USA would never be as corrupted as Panem was. He thought that the comparisions I found were sort of a stretch. But I guess that was just a part of the book that we disagreed upon. His main point that he wanted me to get out of reading this book was that reading can actually be fun sometimes. Although, I think he was just saying that to encourage me, because when I asked him if he was reading any books now, he said no. Either way, I'm glad that he chose that book for me. It was a nice book to enjoy over summer. Although I don't think it was life changing, I do think that it gave me a more positive outlook on reading and possibly helped my reading speed increase.

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