Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hunger Games

374 pages

My Impressions

2. The book has definitely gotten a lot more gruesome as the hunger games have began. Because the book was very slow in the beginning, I did not expect this much action to be crammed into the second half. In the hunger games, 24 children are chosen  between the 12 Districts to fight in an arena and battle to the death. Of course, the main character Katniss is great at hunting with a bow and arrow because she used to hunt so often back at home. However, the other contenders have skills of their own. Some are huge and very strong, others know how to throw knives with amazing accuracy, and some simply survive off of knowledge of the woods. It is difficult to explain the hunger games to someone who hasn't read the book. Essentially, they are a way for the capitol to control the Districts and make them pay for a rebellion that was aimed to destroy the captiol over a hundred years ago. I am enjoying how action packed this part of the book is. However, it is sad when characters I like are killed off. I recently found out that this book is going to be made into a movie in march 2012! I am very excited to watch it.

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