Monday, March 5, 2012

March 6th: Blog Entry on Novel Three

Book: The Host
Author: Stephanie Meyers

This book, similar to Years of Wonder, is a story about two different towns. This book is much more complicated to explain because it involves many more characters (souls and humans). However the plot is very creative and has many unexpected twists and turns.

The book starts out when "Wanderer" a soul, gets placed into the body of a human host, Melanie. Most Souls are not used to the vivid human feelings because in their previous lives they lived as plants or animals from different planets who have much less emotions. "Wanderer" had lived on many different planets before and thought she was ready to take on a human host. Most human hosts are easy to suppress. However, Melanie was a totally different story. Wanderer began to feel the same feelings that Melanie felt- Anger towards the hosts, love for her family, etc. The Wanderer could not suppress these emotions and at times she could even hear Melanie's conscious speaking to her. After a few years as living as a soul trying to suppress her host, "Wanderer" was very unhappy because she still felt Melanie's emotions.

Eventually Melanie was able to get Wanderer to run away from her fellow hopes and seek out other humans (Melanie knew where their secret hiding place was). Wanderer eventually found the other humans and at first they all hated Wanderer. Some of them even wanted to kill her. However, Melanie's former lover Jared would not let them kill her because he could see that Melanie was still inside. Wanderer became part of the humans group and learned to live with them. A lot of them grew to like Wanderer who later became named Wanda. Wanda would share critical information with them about the operation of souls taking over the humans planet and bodies.

Wanda fell in love with a guy named Ian. However, Melanie hated it because she was in love with Jared. Wanda knew they could not share the same body anymore and she had to give the body back to Melanie so that Melanie could be with Jared. Wanda snuck away to a doctor to get her soul removed and to essentially give up her life for Melanie. While Melanie was under Ian put her soul into a babys body so that he could save her life. The four love birds went on to live happily ever after.

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