Saturday, February 25, 2012

Febuary 27th: Submit a map

Book: Years of Wonder
Author: Geraldine Brooks

This is a map of England. If you look closely, you can see London near the bottom right, and a city called Notts, towards the center. The plague was spread from London to Notts in 1666. The fact that the author chose to set this book in the year 1666 is interesting to me because 666 is the number of the devil, and religion plays a large part in this book. In fact, the people living in Notts were Puritans who believed the plauge was from the witches.

I looked up "England 1666" on google, and found something interesting. I found that this book was based on events that really took place in England 1666. There was an actual plague in London that caused the Royal Courts to evacuate the year before, but they returned on Febuary 2nd, 1666. Another interesting thing that happend during this time in England was Issac Newton invented differential calculus. It is interesting to me that the author chose not to mention anything about this in the book.

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