Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Proposal CPR


I would like to read the book "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks. This book is about how a plague was brought from London to a small isolated village. It shows how a society deals with a catastrophe and with the many deaths brought on by a plague. It is a historical fiction book. I think it would be good for myself to read because I usually pick books that take place in modern day. This is a book that takes place in the past. My mom really wants me to read it because she says it will be good practice for college.

She says that it is good practice for college because I will be reading a lot more realistic fiction. I usually real fantasy fiction so it will be interesting to read something much more normal. The one thing I fear however, is that this book might be boring (because my mom has a tendency to read boring books). However, she is very insistent on this book being a good read, so I am trusting her.

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