Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog Entry on Novel 4: Lovely Bones

This book suprised me with its violence. Looking at the cover, a nice baby blue shade makes it seem peaceful. However, the book starts out with a very dramatic scene of the main character's murder. It goes into very graphic detail about what her murderer did to her. He made a large hole under ground that looked like a cool fort. Then one day as Alice, the main character, was walking home, he showed her the cave, trapped her inside, raped her, and then killed her by cutting up her body. After this very frightening opening plot, the author then goes into explaining the life of the main character. The author tells how she was a very sweet young girl who absolutely loved photography. However, the author also talks about the murderer; how the murderer started out killing animals, then eventually it led him to kill humans. She talks about how the murderer was not neccisarily a bad guy, he tried to stop himself, but he just couldn't.

After he killed her, he was able to cave in the huge hold so that the evidence was burried. Another interesting part about the plot was that the author spends a lot of time describing what heaven was like for Alice. Alice meets other people who were murdered up in heaven and they help her cope. She also is able to look down on her family and see what they are going through after her disaperance.